This computer was given to me because it was infected with malware and the previous owner desided to get a new computer rather then fix this one.
I was able to fix the problems and keep the files intact, however after a few months it got infected with malware again that kept using up all the free space
on the hard drive. Undetected by Symantec Endpoint Protection. I purchased Norton 360 which I was unable to intall for lack of disc space.
Trend Micro House Call, AVG and a couple others failed to detect the problem. I finally used Avast Free Edition which detected the problem and is
preventing a reinfection, However Symantec Endpoint Protection is still installed. I tried to remove it but it wants me to use the Administrator Account and
Password that was used when it was installed. Unfortunately that Administrator account information is no longer available. I decided to just leave the
Endpoint Protection installed since it didn't appear to have any adverse effects but now I am getting a Message that says the virus definition files are old.
WHen I try to update the definition files I get an error that says "Live Update Start failed Error code -536805375". Now due to the fact that AVAST is doing a
great job I would like to remove Symantec Endpoint Protection. Can anyone tell me how I can remove it without the original Administrative Account