Environmental Details
Server OS: 2008 r2
Client OS: Xp, 2008 R2, wins 7
SEPM Ver.: 12.1.2
No. of SEPM: 1
Database: Embedded
-Newly installed clients are not reporting to the manager
-Tried to replace the sylink file, did not work
-If we restart the SEPM server the newly deployed clients starts to communicates fine henceforth.
-Disabled the Windows firewall and checked, still same issue
-Disabled the manager service and re-enabled the service, client started communicating
-changed the communication settings to pull mode with Heartbeat interval to 1 hr
-Still same issue with new client installation
-Did a repair installation of the SEPM
-Still clients are not reporting to the manager unless the SEPM services are restarted
Please suggest to resolve the problem.