I have searched a bit on Symantec KB and forums but can't seem to find a definitive document. Currently, we have our single management server running 11.0.7200.1147 on Server 2003 R2 (ServerOld). We have approximately 3000 clients.
I have built a new Server 2012 R2 server (ServerNew) and have done the initial install of SEPM 12.1.4013.4013. I'm at the Management Server Configuration Wizard where it asks for a new first site, an additional site, etc.
So, I'm not upgrading ServerOld because, well, it's old. Are there any KB articles that directly explain this scenario? If I do all new on ServerNew, I have to re-create a heck of a lot of configuraiton, not to mention re-point all 3000 clients to ServerNew.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Michael Reinders