I am trying to understand when the client will download full upgrade package and when delta during auto-upgrade.
For example:
- SEP client is version 11 RU6
- SEPM is 12.1 RU4
- in SEPM -> Admin -> Install packages I have RU6 package listed
Scenario 2
- SEP client is version 11 RU6
- SEPM is 12.1 RU4
- in SEPM -> Admin -> Install packages I have deleted RU6 package so it is no more there
In both scenarios, when I assign 12.1 RU4 package to the group where the SEP client 11 RU6 is, it is showing that the package in Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\12.1.4013.4013 is around 80-85 MB. The same result is with upgrade from 12.1.x to 12.1.y.
The other thing however is, when I check in Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\Inetpub\ClientPackages\{513....}, apart from the full, full.zip and full.zip.sig folders, I have two xdelta files (xdelta....dax and .sig). The dax file is around 12 MB.
So if I want to know the size of the upgrade package, do I look at the size of the delta...dax or the size of the 12.1.4013 folder?