I'm having an issue when I try to add a new Admin to the SEPM console.
I go through the steps and create the user (Admin Tab - Add an administrator - give it the name and other details, select Limited Administrator with View Reports, Select SEPM authentication and set the local password)
I try to login as the user I just created, so knowing that the ID and password is correct, however it just tells me the ID or password is not correct, when I know that it is.
Other Admins and I can all login fine, I just can't create the new one. The only difference is that this new admin doesn't have a corresponding ID in AD, whereas we all do, however I don't think this should be required if SEPM authentication is being used?
Can anyone shed any light? I have tried setting it as different admin types and with different access levels but all with the same result.
Any help would be appreciated.