I have SEPM 11 on window 2003 SP2 managing around 100 clients ..and it was working fine until I upgraded it to a newer version, see above . It crashes a lot and not funtional any more . some times i can login by restarting SEPM service but it stays on only for 5 min and crashes again...its not updating virus def to clients anymore ..below are two error messages I get
1- Failed connection to the server
Make sure that the server is running and your session has not timed out.
If you can reach the server but cannot log on, make sure that you provided the correct parameters.
If you are experiencing network issues, contact your system administrator. ErrorCode: 0x80020000
2- unexpected server error
I saw this forum for same error message https://www-secure.symantec.com/connect/forums/failed-connect-server-errorcode-0x80020000
got a question though if I rerun mangement server configuration wizard ..will it not over right clients connections and all previous settings which were running fine before ?? I suspect that i have to reconnect all the clients again..any suggestion ?
or any one has any fix for this