We've been a couple of weeks on 12.1.4, upgraded from SEP 11.0.6, and we have a couple hundred clients out of date. (total of 13k) We're running 2 SEPMs on win 2003 r2 boxes and from monitor>Logs I run a report on Computer Status filtering for clients online in the past 24 hours whose defs are more than 30 days old. For those results that post I push content to all. I do the same filtering on those clients online that have defs within 30 days pushing content to all those whose defs are over a week old. By the end of the day we have maybe 10% rejection of the content and I anticipate that it will take time to see the numbers drop until all those clients check in. However two days later the numbers are still about the same. Am I missing something? Has anyone had any issues with the push content feature?