Has anybody seen this error before? I get this email sent every day:
Message from:
Server name: sepm-g
Server IP:
Administrator Email: bigben@nist.gov
Company Name: NIST
Symantec Endpoint Protection License state is corrupted and reached UNKNOWN state. Check the server log files for license information. You might need to restart the server.
I have restarted all four of our SEPM servers. Looking at the License status it is green on the SEPM dashboard (all statuses are Good). I have deleted all expired license from the ADMIN, Licenses. What is strange is I look at the date recieved in Outlook and it will have the date I got the e-mail. For example 9/23/2014 for today. Yet, no matter what day I recieve the e-mail in the body of the e-mail it has the same date (9/10/2014) and time (11:42pm) every time.
Any suggestions?