I have a question about using LiveUpdate at a remote location when a GUP is configured in the policy. For my site I currently have two locations, Internal [default] and Remote. The Internal has a condition of client computer connects to management server and Remote has a condition of client computer does not connect to management server. The LiveUpdate Policy is configured to use the default mangement server and is configured to use a Group Update Provider (see attached image). When clients are on the internal network I want them to download their content from the GUP. When clients leave the internal network and are on an outside network they need to download their content from LiveUpdate and the option to run LiveUpdate from the SEP console needs to be enabled. Currently it is grayed out for users. How to I enable the LiveUpdate feature for users when they are outside the internal network? If I uncheck the Use a Group Update Provider option in the LiveUpdate Policy it then gives me the option to allow the user to manually launch LiveUpdate. But I need to keep the option to use a GUP checked so when a client is on the internal network it downloads it content from the GUP. Thank you.