Boot.Cidox Removal Problems
ソリューションが必要です I am having a difficult time removing this root kit from a user's workstation. It appears to only affect his e-mails. I tried to use the Norton Boot product but it wants a PIN. Norton...
View ArticleSEPM Server Definition Size
ソリューションが必要です (I apologize is this is int he wrong section, I could not easily find the one it should be in)We have 2 SEPM servers:That watch just over 17,000 Endpoints:Right now we are experiencing...
View ArticleSND1 nonpaged pool memory leak - 12.1 RU4
ソリューションが必要です We have recently been having problems where servers eventually freeze up and hang due to the nonpaged pool becoming exhausted. We narrowed this down to a memory leak with the SND1 tag....
View ArticleSEPM 12.1.RU4
ソリューションが必要です Hi Team, I am using SEPM 12.1.Ru4, its showing NAC feature on SEP client. But i am not using NAC license i want to remove it from SEP client. What steps we need to follow to remove it.
View ArticleSVA vs SEPM Groups
ソリューションが必要です In the SEP 12,1 guide, it is mentioned to"export the communication settings file from the client group that you plan to use for your Guest Virtual Machines (GVMs)".But what will happen if...
View ArticleSEP Embedded Issue
ソリューションが必要です I am currently trying to install and test a trial version of the SEP Windows Embedded Sygate 5.1 but since it is a trial version I cannot get direct support. I have tried this install on...
View ArticleHave moved SEPM to another server but I have further question...
ソリューションが必要です Hi all, I followed the steps as outlined at (used Solution A) and this has worked very well. However it was...
View ArticleSEPM - prevent moving computers but allow other group stuff ?
ソリューションが必要です How can I "grant rights" to a minor admin, say allow run scan, update content, etc. - but prevent them from moving a computer from one group to another?They keep moving computers into a...
View ArticleSEPM is not getting latest virus definitions
ソリューションが必要です SEPM has an older version of the virus and malware definitions. I have tried to Donwload liveupdate content from the admin -> servers tab. Virus and malware defs are not able to...
View ArticleDatabase error during upgrade to last SEP Manager 12.1.4
ソリューションが必要です During the upgrade to last 12.1.4 on a Windows Server 2003 machine, I receive this database error:Any idea on how to solve the issue?Thanks in advance.
View ArticleComputer Serial Number
ソリューションが必要です I see that SEP 12.1.4 shows the computer serial number in the client properties. Is there a log that shows this information for all clients?
View ArticleIE 11 Console Manager Certificate Error
ソリューションが必要です We recently pushed out IE 11 to almost all workstations, some have been rolled back to IE 10 or even 9 depending on which sites do not work in compatibility mode. Today was the first time...
View ArticleSEP 12.1.4 and Microsoft EMET
ソリューションが必要です We're looking for feedback from anyone that has deployed SEP 12.1 and the Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) to their clients. We're currently running SEP 12.1.4 on...
View ArticleSEP 12.1 Browser IPS add-on and IE 9
ソリューションが必要です Hello all,We're looking for feedback on how to keep IE 9 from disabling the SEP 12.1 client's browser intrusion prevention add-on. We've seen reports that if the load time is greater...
View ArticleIntrusion Prevention is blocking internet
ソリューションが必要です Hi,On few machines when IPS is on it blocks access to internet and even it does not ping to proxy but when i remove IPS it works perfectly, any ideaThanks
View ArticleAdding a new Administrator to the SEPM
ソリューションが必要です Hi, I'm having an issue when I try to add a new Admin to the SEPM console. I go through the steps and create the user (Admin Tab - Add an administrator - give it the name and other...
View Articlescm-ui.2013-10-10.log file in temp folder keeps growing in size more than 30 GB
ソリューションが必要です scm-ui.2013-10-10.log file in temp folder keeps growing in size more than 30 GB.Why does it grow ?how to avoid this to prevent the disk keeps growing and not able to delete the...
View ArticleAfter Database restoration clients are not communicating with SEPM
ソリューションが必要です Hi,I am facing some issues with SEPM so I run the Manager configuration wizard with the intention to repair the SEPM after completing the wizard I restored the database with backup as on...
View ArticleAccess of particular user
ソリューションが必要です Is it be possible that any ftp can be block by symantec and only access with limited person?
View ArticleLiveUpdate Administrator ? v12.1 RU2 vs v12.1 RU4
ソリューションが必要です 3 SEPMs - Version 12.1.4104.4130 (2 SEPMs shared SQL DB "site partners" and a Failover Replication Partner SEPM w/SQL DB) 1 LUA - Latest Version 10,000 Clients - Versions 12.1.1000.157 -...
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