Symantec Endpoint Protection Feature Date Definition
ソリューションが必要です Hi all,I wil llike to check how do I know whether the feature date definition are updated to the latest definition?Any way to verify from the Symantec Website to check the following...
View ArticleSEP clients duplicate entry in sepm
ソリューションが必要です Hi Team, I am having a issue with sep, i am able to see many duplicate IP which are showing in sepm manager.please help me in this.
View ArticleSEPM data in console does not update although clients have latest definitions
ソリューションが必要です Hi,We have an environment with 3 main SEPM sites, 2 of which are working fine. The biggest site, located in the Americas, had a problem last April 13th with its 2 SEPM servers, where the...
View ArticleCommands to repair SEP installation and force it to download policies
ソリューションが必要です Are there commands to repair SEP installation and force it to download policies.Several people are trying to script this, rather than go to Control Panel, repair installation. 8638101...
View ArticleSEP11 package for Windows Server 2003 64bit?
ソリューションが必要です Hi;Can someone direct me to where I would download the SEP11 package for Windows Server 2003 64bit?I've looked in the download area, but can't seem to figure out which one. I have a...
View ArticleSEP 12.1.2015.2015 update not showing "Restart Required" in the Manager
ソリューションが必要です Hello All! I'm running a silent/no reboot install on one of my groups of the latest 12.1. The update makes it down to the client fine and after installation the green dot on the shield...
View ArticleDisk Space Issues
ソリューションが必要です Hi,I'm having disk space issues on our SEPM v12 server. The C drives has 60GB of space but we're were down to less than a 1GB.As a result, I investigated and found a 17GB access.log file...
View ArticleReplication issue
ソリューションが必要です I am haveing a problem with replication between my two SEPM servers each has it's own MS SQL server that is seperate from the servers. when I try to manuall run a replication I get the...
View ArticleFew questions about 12.1 RU2 MP1
ソリューションが必要です Hi team,Can you anyone tell what happen if we upgrade the server to 12.1 RU2 MP1 , and the client version will be 12.1 RU1 MP1.Are there any impacts an above scenario? Like bandwidth...
View ArticleThreshold for number of SEP clients that can be upgraded at once
ソリューションは必要ありません (情報共有のみ) I have around 300 SEP clients running version 11.x that I am looking to upgrade to 12.x. I know hardware and other items factor in, but is there a hard limit or recommended...
View ArticleI can't login in SEPM; service starts then stops.
ソリューションが必要です Hi, when I try login to the SEPM, I recive the error: "Failed to connect to the server.Make sure that the server is running and your session has not timed out.You can reach the server but...
View Articlesep report
ソリューションが必要です We have AD integrated Environment we want to Create group wise sep client updating and other type report.How can be find this reports if it’s possible?
View Articlesep client installation date
ソリューションが必要です Due to some internal audit purpose we need to know where we find sep client installation date.I have tried but unable to find in sepm console please let me know where we can get it.
View ArticleBlocking Bluetooth devices
ソリューションが必要です Hi everyone, While creating Application and device control policy to block bluetooth devices, I came to know that in predefined list of devices, there are 2 options to choose from in case...
View ArticleSEP client VPN Connection Breaking every four hour
ソリューションが必要です Hi Support, We need help in SEP client. I have a SEP 12.1 RU1 client machine. I am using VPN connection on SEP client to connect client to other location. But my VPN connection disconnect...
View Articleserivces stopped(endpoint protection)
ソリューションが必要です Hi, I'm new to symantec endpoint protection. One of our client not getting update, showing offline in console, services stopped in client machine.Can anyone helpWhich services need to...
View ArticleSEP fails to install- please help!
ソリューションが必要です I've tried all kinds of things that I've read that have helped others with this problem and so far all have failed. I had SEP installed and noticed that its Firewall wasn't active. I...
View ArticleSep11Server Client installation failed On Server 2003
ソリューションが必要です Hi all, Environment: Server 2003, VM ware I installed twice. it rolled back itself from the log.I've wiped out all the regestry info about symantec client and the related folder on...
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