symantec endpoint protection device control block by username
ソリューションが必要です Hi Can someone please tell me if symantec endpoint protection device control can block by username. i.e. block USB access on any device a certain user or group of users might log onto?Our...
View Articlesymantec backup issue.
ソリューションが必要です Hi All, I have try to backup symantec endpoint protection manager 12.1.3 using database backup and restore tools. But it is giving following error."Backup failed writing due to a problem:...
View Articleclient connecting
ソリューションが必要です I want to connect some clients with test server for can i move these client from production server to test, so i can start testing?
View ArticleConnection of the new server to the basic
ソリューションが必要です Hi all/I have some solution.We have server Symantec EP v 12. We opened else server Symantec EP v 12 in Branch and we have to connect new server to the basic server, that new server dowload...
View ArticleBlue blank screen when system shutdown
ソリューションが必要です Hi all, I am sorry for duplicate threads, but first thread is in solved status and it's not correct.First thread is:...
View ArticleMay I stop ISS after migration SEP11 to SEP12?
ソリューションが必要です Hi guys, I would like to know if I can stop ISS services after migration SEP11 to SEP12? Or unistall.Will have problem with that?Thx.
View ArticleMAC spoofing messages Symantec from router
ソリューションが必要です L.S., I have a Zyxel NBG6716 router. When I connect my Windows 7 64-bit laptop to it I have no problem. However, when I connect to my work through VPN (Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility...
View ArticleSEPM database 100% disk usage
ソリューションが必要です Hi, i have permanently 100% disk usage by SEPM, only 10 clients in base, PC unusable with that problem, any solutions ? 1390234200
View ArticleSEP不能通过SEPM更新病毒定义
ソリューションが必要です 1. SEP客户端IP地址telnet SEPM 8014端口是通的,但SEP客户端显示为脱机状态,尝试替换SyLink.xml和重新安装SEP客户端仍然显示为脱机2. 同一网络的其他SEP客户端能正常与SEPM通信并更新病毒定义,只有大约5-7个SEP客户端出现这个问题请问有什么原因会导致这种问题发生?
View ArticleExtraction errors Encountered by the Decomposer Engines
ソリューションが必要です good We are showing the next event in a server that has the version of SEP 12.1.1000.157 RU1, Extraction errors Encountered by the Decomposer Engines the attachment is complete message...
View Articlewhether this is indicative of a problem?
ソリューションは必要ありません (情報共有のみ) Remote file path:{810D5A61-809F-49c2-BD75-177F0647D2BA}/140103018/xdelta140103008.dax 7789 04/01/2014 01:35:42 Error 1207030C...
View ArticleAutorun.inf
ソリューションが必要です I would like to add autorun.inf to the exclusion list fro SEP, I have but it still seems to be picking it up. I am not even certain why Autorun.inf is even picked up, I've never seen an...
View ArticleSEP12 setup
ソリューションが必要です I need to quickly setup a small SEP12 environment to protect some Windows 2012 servers. My production environment is SEP11 and my Liveupdate v2.3 servers are currently downloading SEP11...
View ArticleSVA vs SEPM Groups
ソリューションが必要です In the SEP 12,1 guide, it is mentioned to"export the communication settings file from the client group that you plan to use for your Guest Virtual Machines (GVMs)".But what will happen if...
View ArticleLiveupdate EPP in the workgroup
ソリューションが必要です Hi,I have 30 machines in my park, and I want all the posts retrieve updates automatically from the internet. Is that possible? Thanks,
View Articlecertificate error after install symantec 12.1 on unmanage
ソリューションが必要です certificate error after install symantec 12.1 on unmanageI have open all the explorer (IE, Mozzila, Google Crome)
View Articlegravity firewall
ソリューションが必要です HI my question is: which is the function of the gravity in firewall rules?gravedad.gif 1390332396
View Articlecomment désactiver l'option "Change Settings" du client SEP
ソリューションが必要です Bonjour;j'ai un serveur SEPM 12.1, je veux savoir comment désactiver l'option "Change Settings" du client SEP, à partir de la console SEPMSVP j'attend vos reponces
View ArticleSEP 12.1
ソリューションが必要です Hello All,I am currently using SEP 11 in my enterprise environment and would like to rollout the SEP12.1 client to all my workstations.The question I have, can SEP 12.1 client function...
View ArticleSEPM 12.1 Cannot log into management console
ソリューションが必要です I am having an issue logging into the SEPM management console. When I type in my credentials I receive the error below. I was able to log into the console fine last Thursday. The console...
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