Continued scanning
ソリューションが必要です Everytime I start my computer Symantec Endpoint starts scanning. It finds hundreds of Trojan.Gen risks. I can't use my computer because it just continues to scan. How to I get my...
View ArticleOdd Out of date Definitions issue
ソリューションが必要です I noticed a weired issue today with the computer status report. Some machines are showing out of date definitions but when logging into the machine locally, machine is up to date with the...
ソリューションが必要です I have a script that downloads virus defs from which hasnt been working the last few days.I tried to manually ftp to and the anonymous/anonymous login...
View ArticleSEP 12 GUP Content Monitor not Intuitive
ソリューションが必要です We downloaded SEP 12 GUP Content monitor and the instructions are not as intuitive as the one for SEP 11. The zip file has three documents, one of them just says modify lines in http.conf...
View ArticleHelp with SEP 12.1.3 GUP Policies
ソリューションが必要です I need clarification with SEP 12.1.3 GUP setup. I will try my best to explain my scenario. My organization has one main location and approximately 15 remote sites (each remote site is...
View ArticleUnmanaged computers email notification issue
ソリューションが必要です Hi,I have added Unmanaged detectors to the network and they are detecting unmanaged computers rather well. I have also created a notification condition to email admins and log. The log is...
View ArticleDisabled clients?
ソリューションが必要です SEPM - 12.1.3001.165 So I'm looking at my Total Endpoints on the Home dashboard, and I see:Total Endpoints: 731Up-to-date: 512Out-of-date: 2Offline: 217Disabled: 188 None of those 188...
View ArticleSEP 12.1.4 POC
ソリューションが必要です Hello everyone,I hope you all are doing good. i need few suggestions and recommendations from you. I am doing a SEP 12.1.4 POC for a client and for that i need to implement two specific...
View Articlesemantec endpoint protection causing socket error 11004 on win 7?
ソリューションが必要です I'm trying to map an ftp site as a drive letter on win 7 using ftpuse. I keep receiving a socket error 11004. I can ping the ftp site successfully. Is it possible semantec endpoint...
View ArticleRecommended minimum requirements for Virtual Machine
ソリューションが必要です Hi,We are looking to deploy a virtual machine that will be handing live updates. Does anybody have any recommended minimum requirements for this virtual machine? We are hoping this will...
View ArticleIncrease Content Revision Storage on SEPM - impact on GUP storage?
ソリューションが必要です We are planning to increase number of content revisions from 15 to 30 on our SEPMs (verion 12 RU2). Will this have any affect on our GUPs (most at version 11 RU6, some at 12 RU4)? Will our...
View ArticleTracking Unmanaged Clients
ソリューションが必要です I am in the process of building a client to install on a couple laptops that will be used externally from our companty. I am installing some unmanaged clients on them so they can get their...
View ArticleSEPM Hierarchy
ソリューションが必要です We have installed SEPM on a server (node A) and pushed the client to the workstations. when we installed another SEPM on another node of our network (node B). node B took control of all...
View ArticleWindows 7 UAC blocking Symantec Endpoint Protection scan window
ソリューションが必要です Hi, I'm running Windows 7 on a secure domain with many GPOs applied, SEP 12.1 client is also installed. When running a scan, either by right-clicking on a file and selecting "scan for...
View ArticleSEPM periodically deletes all GUP server IP addresses from globallist.xml
ソリューションが必要です Hi, Could someone please explain why the SEP management server removes all IP addresses from the globallist.xml?This happens every week and is giving major issues as the GUP servers stops...
View Articlemise à niveau les clients SEP
ソリューションが必要です bonjour,j'ai mis à niveau (upgrade) mon serveur Symantec Endpoint Protection depuis 2 mois "de la version 11.0.6MP3 vers la version 12.1";la mise à niveau du serveur est bien achevé, mon...
View ArticleRe :Backup of Symantec Enpointprotection
ソリューションが必要です Hi All,In my environment we have deployed SEPM 12.1.4 for 1000 client license , currently we don't have any backup solution in our environment however I have taken the disk based back of...
View ArticleRepair Duplicate IDs on cloned SEP 11 machines
ソリューションが必要です I read this great artical on how to repair duplicate IDs on cloned SEP 12 machines, along with the RepairClonedImage tool you rename setup.exe, But...
View ArticleWhat if clients are offline when update schedule runs
ソリューションが必要です This is probably an easy question. What happens when clients are offline when a LiveUpdate policy is scheduled to push out updates? Do the clients receive the content updates once they...
View ArticleSEMP can't update
ソリューションが必要です Hi EverybodyI need some help with my SEPMI have a SEMP in a server and DB SQL 2008 r2 in another serverThe issue is that, since 21-01-2014 my SEPM can't update. If I run LiveUpdate process...
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