I have replicated SEPM servers with 1 parent server and replicated partners. Im a global monitoring person in Symantec in all BUs. We're just upgraded from version 11 RU7 to 12.1 RU2. Upon checking on the clients from different BUs all are ok until I noticed in the My Company>Default Group. Many clients are still in that particular folder. Everyday when I am checking that Default Group it keeps on increasing the number of clients. Its a hassle for me to always move the client back and then replicate .. I am having troubles also with other BUs/countries that keeps on coming back. Clients moved to Default Group acquires deifferent policy.. so users are complaining because of that.. Please help me for a possible solution for this,. I already searched on KBs it didnt help because this problem is already exist before since 2009?
I need your expertise on this. Please Help me.. Thanks!