SEP 12.1.5 and the Windows 10 Technical Preview
ソリューションが必要です I may be jumping the gun a bit, but I thought I'd see if I could get SEP to run on the recent Win 10 Tech Preview. Sadly I get script execution failures in the SEP_INST log. I...
View ArticleSEP in VDI - Quarantine Best Practices
ソリューションが必要です I'm looking at the best practices regarding SEP and a non-persistent VDI infrastructure. I'm confused how the quarantine will work for those clients. I figured I would have to deploy a...
View ArticleUnexpected server error. ErrorCode: 0x10010000
ソリューションが必要です I receive this error when I try to launch Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1, whatever the current version is. This is on a Dell T720 server running Windows Server 2012r2.Once the error...
View ArticleVirus/Malware detection but not Installation
ソリューションが必要です I am running 12.1.4100 Endpoint protection Enterprise edition.Why can Symantec find a virus/malware after its installed but not prior to installation? In other words most virus/malware...
View ArticleMalware Reinstalling Itself
ソリューションは必要ありません (情報共有のみ) I anm running sep 12.1.4100 enterprise.Since June I have had a 100 fold increase of virus.malware. I have seen Symantec quantine the same file over and over.I even remoted in...
View ArticleSymantec Endpoint Protection Gripe
ソリューションは必要ありません (情報共有のみ) I am running Symantec 12.1.4100 EnterpriseI didn't see a gripe group so I put mine here. I am experencing a explosion of malware like none I've had in the past 10 years.I have...
View ArticleGetting ep sbe 12 clients over to new management server
ソリューションが必要です Hi.I have a new server I'm rolling out and have installed the 12.1.4 management console on that.The old server is being retired.I did not want to lug around that giant database and I was...
View Articleremove the password
ソリューションが必要です One laptop user move to the other place where only internet connection avaialble. How to remove the password policy from that laptop?Policy remove - Password and usb policy
View Articleupgrade the symantec server
ソリューションが必要です Any upgradation from sepm 12.1ru4 mp1a?What is the specification and requirements and changes in the product?
View ArticleSEPM 12.1.4A Not processing Virus Definitions
ソリューションが必要です Hi, I am running SEPM 12.1.4A from 10/30/2014 Sepm servers not processing the definisions. I have 5 SEPM servers all are same (all using same SQL DB) all showing same Virus definisions...
View ArticleIgnored but still pop-up for detection
ソリューションが必要です Hi,Refer to attached file, I have added "Windows NetMeeting""mnmsrvc" to exception list.But client still pop-up "commercialapps.2" was detected.Please advice....
View ArticleSEPM 12.1RU4MP1a keep 30 definitions instead of 10
ソリューションが必要です Hi, today I run out of space on disk E: on my SEPM. I went to "Administrator" -> "Server" -> "Loca site" -> "Liveupdate" tab and set "Number of content veriosn to keep" to 10Then...
View ArticleIS there a way to uniquely identify SEP clients using only the communication...
ソリューションが必要です Does anyone know of a way to uniquely identify SEP clients using only the communication information when a client pulls updates and not through the SEPM?We need to verify from which client...
View ArticleGUP SQL Script...
ソリューションが必要です Hi,I have a script I use to get detailed GUP status information direct from the SEP SQL database. Does anyone know what I need to include to be able to display the configured max disk...
View ArticleCryptoLocker/CryptoDefense Defenses . . .
ソリューションが必要です Hello;My network has been hit with both CryptoLocker and more recently CryptoDefense. When first hit with CryptoLocker, the only repair that could be done was network Restore. The same...
View ArticleSEP upgrade Fails 12.1.RU2 to 12.1 RU4
ソリューションが必要です We have recently initiated an upgrade from 12.1 RU2 to 12.1.4013. However I could see that there are a few machines where upgrade fails. We are deploying SEP using SCCM. Kindly let me know...
View ArticleSEP clients are not updating from SEPM Server
ソリューションが必要です My SEPM Server is updating and is communicating to the clients. When I logon to a client is shows up with the ‘yellow dot’ in the system tray. I cannot get the client to update.
View ArticleSEPM 12.1.5 RU 5 Bandwidth Throttling Question
ソリューションが必要です Hello, We recently upgraded to the RU 5 and I would like to try sending a installation package to a group (physical location) I want to set the bandwidth limitation just for this group...
View ArticleSEP client defintion out of date but communicating
ソリューションが必要です SEP client defintion out of date but communicating, please let me know reason why it is not updating or reason for currupted defintion
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